
I was really worried in the last month or so that I would never be happy. Then running across this book when I was out looking for material on cross-dressing. In this book I ran across your notice on that article that was in Confidential. That was where I first ran across the name of your publication. I can only speak for myself, but I did not take the article seriously. I know how I feel and I think that it is the same as you, that it was pure slander against the true transvestite. My letter will be sent in to protest. I feel that these were pointed accusations at each and every one of us. When someone does this to me it hurts me and also my friends. It also destroys all the good work you and your staff are doing. Back to my happiness if it wasn't for Olivia's article this letter would probably never have been written. To me this is God's way for me, and that is to share beauty, kindness and understanding with my fellow transvestities.

You probably have gotten a lot of these views before, but this is the only way I can accept my life. I'm so full of joy I can't really tell you how happy I am in words. I could go on and on, but I will try to bring it to a close. Enclosed is a check for $20.00 for six back issues of Transvestia. Would you please send a subscription blank along, for a one year's subscription. Would I by chance be eligible to receive a personal information form. Could anyone in your staff or yourself, Virginia, drop a note of encouragement in with the information form, just to set me at



Dear Virginia,

Recently I ordered your "Realistic" Falsies and jelly kit. As soon as I received my jelly kit I mixed it and filled the inserts per instructions. I just want to say it is wonderful! I had a stretch strap bra on that I didn't use much because it used to ride up, but now with the weight of the inserts it works perfectly. I also have a strapless long line and today I put the inserts in it and if I did not know better I would swear it was